Headband Holder made from Oatmeal Canister and Scrap Fabric
I love Pinterest. It is my new favorite way to waste time :). If you have never heard of it,then you must check it out. It is basically a way to organize your favorites in one place. You just search the internet for recipes you want to try, home decor you love, fashion that inspires you, quotes that make your heart smile, crafts you long to make, etc... and you "pin" them on your page. People can follow your boards (categories) and "repin" your "pins". It is fabulous! But, I must warn you, it is very, very addictive. But, on a positive note, I have gotten some amazing ideas for cheap craft and home projects, and I have found some fabulous recipes.
After pinning things for several weeks, I finally got around to actually creating some of the things that I pinned. This week, I have made 2 cake stands, a hairband holder for Bella, a noodle race track for my son, a "God Box", and a beautiful menu/love note board for our kitchen. All of these projects were super cheap to make. The cake stand and noodle race track supplies came from the dollar tree. The frame I used for the menu board was 50% off at Hobby Lobby, and the hairband holder supplies were free since I just repurposed an empty oatmeal canister and used fabric and ribbons that I already had. So fun and So frugal!
The "God Box" is a box with index cards that we are going to keep in our kitchen. When we are worried or fearful, we will write down our fear or worry on an index card and put it in the box-a physical act of surrendering the burden to God. Each week we will take the cards out and pray over them as a family.
I have plans to make large batches of the pumpkin granola and cinnamon honey butter that I pinned to give as gifts this Autumn to friends, teachers, and family. And, I am totally making the pinned "acorn donut holes" and "ghost nutter butter cookies" for my son's preschool class at Halloween.
I hope you enjoy the pictures below and if you want details on how I made them, then send me an email, leave a comment, or visit my pinterest page for the links to the original projects: http://pinterest.com/joyouschris/
I pray your day is full of joy, inspiration, and love as you use the talents and passions God has given you to bless others. I will leave you with one of the quotes that I pinned that truly makes my heart smile

"Pool Noodle" Race Track with Marbles
God Box-Actively Surrendering our Worries to God
Cake Stand made from Glass and Plate from the Dollar Tree
Menu Board/Note Board made from a picture frame and scrapbook paper and using dry erase markers.