My dear friend, Teri Lynne, has an AMAZING blog called “Pleasing To You”. God truly has His Hand on her as she is so gifted in writing Bible Studies, Encouraging others, Being an Incredible Wife and Mother, and being a truly wonderful friend. Be sure and check out her blog at: http://pleasingtoyou.blogspot.com/
Today, she is celebrating her 100th Post and has invited others to blog about something that brings them Joy. So, I am joining in the fun and blogging a list that I wrote several months ago of 100 things that make me happy. Just reading through this list makes me happy! I strongly encourage you to take a few minutes, sit down, and create your own list. Enjoy my list, but seriously...MAKE YOUR OWN! It's therapy for your soul. Don't start with 100...the task is too daunting. The first 10 or 20 will come pretty easy, then decide how long your list will be and keep it handy as you remember things throughout the day until you reach your own determined number.
Take out this list on the “not-so-fun” days, on the days when your toddler is being “very two” (not that I know what that feels like ;-)), or on any day when you need some cheering up. It will remind you of your many blessings and provide lots of options for “perking” you up. These are in no particular order, just pretty much how they came to me. Included in the post is a picture of my two favorite men who bring me joy daily.
1. my handsome, loving, Godly husband
2. being Jaythan and Savannah’s Mommy
3. my family
4. salvation
5. white roses
6. pretty sunsets
7. no dirty dishes in the sink
8. Jaythan giggling
9. knitting
10. scrapbooking
11. baking
12. butterflies
13. magnolia blossoms
14. bubble baths
15. reading a magazine
16. jetted tubs
17. hugs
18. being in Darin’s arms
19. hot tea
20. rainy days
21. my porch swing
22. flip flops
23. date nights
24. Vera Bradley
25. coupons
26. nordstrom’s salad at Renee’s Cafe
27. gerbera daisies
28. tickling Jaythan and hearing him laugh uncontrollably
29. Jaythan’s contagious smile and Big blue eyes
30. London
31. my birthday
32. spa pedicures
33. Karen Kingsbury books
34. fresh flowers in my kitchen
35. laughing
36. strawberries
37. the beach
38. someone else cleaning my house
39. spending time with my close friends
40. outlet malls
41. email
42. snuggling with Darin and Jaythan
43. praying with Jaythan and Darin
44. serving the Lord
45. holding Darin's hand
46. worship music
47. a comfy bed
48. blueberry bagels
49. my heavenly bed pillow
50. tomato soup and grilled cheese dinners
51. blackberries
52. my kitchen aid mixer
53. staying at Bed & Breakfast Inns with Darin
54. the mountains (specifically the NC mtns)
55. crossing things off a list
56. romantic movies (chick flicks)
57. holding Jaythan
58. peace and quiet
59. getting a massage
60. autumn leaves
61. sleeping late
62. the $ bins at Target
63. james avery jewelry
64. Pandora Jewelry
65. white hot chocolate
66. Darin's handsome face
67. cute pajamas
68. raspberries
69. sincere compliments
70. purses (particularly Coach and Vera)
71. things that are monogrammed
72. aprons
73. Ann Taylor
74. snow
75. pretty notebooks, notecards, stationary
76. the smell of pumpkin, cloves, and cinnamon
77. vacations
78. my original Thomas Kincade painting that Darin gave me when I graduate from UNC
79. Carolina (and all that that entails)
80. Yogurt Pump Frozen Yogurt
81. lip gloss
82. PSALMS (my favorite book of the Bible)
83. Fredericksburg, TX
84. love notes
85. clean sheets
86. lunch with a friend
87. fragrant candles burning
88. long chats with my closest friends
89. Sundays (church)
90. Jeremiah 29:11
91. buying gifts for other people & giving them the gifts
92. pumpkin pancakes from IHOP
93. York Peppermint Patties
94. Reeses peanut butter cups
95. cookbooks
96. windchimes
97. Jaythan’s hugs and kisses
98. angel food cake with fresh strawberries and cool whip
99. writing letters (the old-fashioned kind)
100. St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands