
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nutella Cookies & Praising God for His Beauty!

So, believe it or not, I just recently tried Nutella. I have heard many people rave about its yumminess, so I decided to give it a try. I can't believe I have been missing out on something so delicious for so long. In case you aren't familiar with nutella, it is a chocolate hazelnut spread that is often used instead of peanut butter. Not long after I tried it, I came across a recipe for Nutella cookies on one of my all-time favorite blogs:
Ree shared this incredibly simple and delicious recipe from The Tasty Kitchen Blog:
It only requires four ingredients; the cookies bake quickly; and you can be enjoying them with a glass of cold milk in a matter of minutes. I did take a picture of these tasty treats, but unfortunately, blogger is not letting me upload them right now. Just take my word for it, and bake some today for your sweetie, your kiddos, or yourself.

Here in South Texas, we are enjoying amazing weather-high 70s/low 80s during the day, beautiful sunshine, and flowers blooming everywhere. This morning during our Sunday school class at church, there were probably 20 birds singing the most beautiful songs outside our window. I was struck with the realization that I should be praising God in song and speech continually in the same manner-without abandon and full of joy! I am so thankful to God for the Beauty of His Creation! One of my all-time favorite Christian Worship Leaders is Matt Redman, and one of my favorite songs of his is, "Let Everything that Has Breath Praise the Lord." Enjoy this YouTube Video and music as you bake your cookies :). You are prayed for my dear friends and loved immensely by your Heavenly Father!!

Nutella Cookies

•1 cup Nutella
•½ cups Sugar
•1 cup All-purpose Flour
•1 Egg

Preheat oven to 350 F. Blend all ingedients together well. Form into 1″ balls. Place on a cookie sheet. Press down firmly with the bottom of a glass. Bake 7-8 minutes or until set. Cool.

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