
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Exciting News

My hubby, son, and I have exciting news to share. We are in the process of adopting a baby girl from Russia. You can read all about it at our new blog:
Please pray for us as we begin this exciting chapter in our lives. You can help support our adoption costs by purchasing coffee at
I don't think I could fully express how deeply I love this little girl whom I have never met. God has written His love in my heart for her already. How I long for the day when I can hold Emma in my arms, watch my hubby dance with our daughter, and laugh together as Jaythan plays with her.

Today, our new Pastor spoke on I Thessalonians 5. I particularly felt God speaking to me through verses 24-25:

"God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful. Dear brothers and sisters, pray for us."
This verse will be my encouragment when I worry about how we are going to afford the adoption fees, my hope when I long to hold her and grow tired of waiting, and my comfort-reminding me that our dear friends and family are praying for us.


  1. Congratulations on your amazing news! May the Lord bless you as you follow His leading. Thank you for dropping by my little corner of the world today and for your comments. We LOVE St. John too. We celebrated our 10th anniversary there...that was our first trip and our 20th this year in St. John with 2 trips back in between. I adore Francis Bay. In fact, it was my absolute favorite beach for years until this trip. I always, always have the blessing of swimming with sea turtles there and it is hardly ever crowded. There is no place on earth like St. John. Blessings to you!

  2. Hi. My name is Beth and you were before me on the In Courage Blog giveaway. I have a little blog about my family called My Keller Life. It desperately needs an update. So, hi. It's nice to meet you.

  3. Hi Christina,
    My name is Diane and you were before me on the incourage giveaway. I'm so excited for you and your adoption. We too are waiting to adopt domestically in ND. We have an awesome 5 yr old Zach and also hope to have more children biologically although it's been very difficult. Thanks for your encouraging verses and enthusiasm. May God abundantly bless your week!

  4. How WONDERFUL!!! Praying for your family that all will go smoothly!

    in His precious, unfailing love,
    ~ ~
