
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Father's Day Craft-WFMW

My hubby is an AMAZING Father. Jaythan just adores him and I think he is pretty special myself. Darin truly is an example of a Godly Man in our son's life (Ephesians 6:4). So, this year for Father's Day, I decided to get a little crafty and make something super secretive and super cute for Dad.

I bought the frame and letters at Michaels for about $15 total, and the cute kid in the picture is PRICELESS :). I am no photographer, but I think the pictures came out pretty good. I captured our son's joyful, silly self as he held the "D" and "A" for Dad.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads. Your Heavenly Father Loves You Immensely!

Making Memories for Dad totally Works For Me! For more "Works for Me Wednesday" tips, be sure to check out


  1. What a cute idea! And absolutely priceless.

  2. What a great idea! My husband is due for some updated kid pics for his office, I may need to try this one!
