
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blissfully Blueberry Pie

I interrupt our regularly scheduled muffin posts, for an INCREDIBLE-Melt-in-Your-Mouth Blissfully Blueberry Pie. Seriously, you have to make this pie right now-stop whatever it is you may be doing and make it! It is that good! It got huge accolades by my hubby, several friends, and someone who was "scared to try it" because they don't like berries or pie. It was super easy to make and you could even change it up a little with any kind of berry (strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries. It tastes similar to a gooey blueberry cobbler or straight-from-the-oven blueberry muffin. This would be even more amazing topped with fresh whipped cream, vanilla bean ice cream, or cool whip.

Enjoy my friends and do something today that makes you BLISSFULLY Happy :-)! You are prayed for and SO LOVED!

Blissfully Blueberry Pie

2 pints fresh blueberries (you can also use 1 package of frozen blueberries)
1 Pre-made graham cracker crust (I use Keebler)
1 ½ c. sugar
1/3 c. flour
8-10 oz. evaporated milk
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

½ cup sugar
½ cup flour
4-5 Tbsp butter


Mix the sugar, flour, evaporated milk, eggs, and vanilla together until consistency is like pancake batter, not too runny. Pour blueberries into the crust, then this batter over the blueberries.
In a separate bowl, mix the topping ingredients-sugar, flour, and butter. Take a pastry blender or fork & crumble. Crumble topping mixture over entire pie and bake at 350 for 1 hour until golden brown. Allow to cool slightly before serving.

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