
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

WFMW-Reuseable Tote Bags as Gift Bags

I LOVE to give gifts! My Love Language is gifts and I show my love for others in giving. One new gift-giving technique that I have started is buying cute reusable totes and using them as the gift bag for whatever gift I may be giving. I have found some really cute ones at Target and Marshalls recently. Check out the huge one with the cute pink and black shoes-99cents at Marshalls! The one in the top picture came from the Target Dollar Bin. The really exciting part is that these reusable totes cost 99 cents, $1 or $1.50 depending on where you buy them. That is even cheaper than buying a fancy gift bag at Hallmark or your local Wally World. Add some fun color tissue paper and you have the gift that keeps on giving. Your friends and family can reuse their bag when they go shopping or for any other purpose that they wish. Using REUSABLE TOTES as GIFT BAGS totally Works for Me! To see other "Works for Me Wednesday" tips check out:

And, if you are new to Butterfly Kisses & Tasty Dishes, then THANKS for stopping by! Check out my recipes, ramblings from my heart, and my 100 muffins in 100 day adventure. May your day be filled to overflowing with God's Love so that you naturally spill it out on others!

Ephesians 3: 17b-19

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.


  1. I never thought to use them for gift bags. What a novel idea! I am such a fan of reusable shopping bags and am always seeing ones I love but already have too many myself.

    Thanks for the super tip!

  2. Once again, I wish that we had Target in Canada. Most of the inexpensive reusable totes I've seen have a store logo on them!

  3. What a great idea, Christina! I did this for a friend at Christmas but hadn't really thought about the practicality of doing it all the time ... or the MAJOR $$ that could be saved.

    By the way, I am planning to start using one of your muffin recipes every week and sharing them with different people in our church. I HOPE to start that in April ... I am excited to start trying out your recipes myself.

  4. I noticed tonight that Kroger has some of their reusable bags 2 for $1. They're smaller but one is black and one is pink!

    Xcellent idea!!!

  5. Love you friend... and you are a great gift giver. I remember you giving me a gift when I had only interacted with you twice.
