
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


My Hubby calls me the Coupon Queen. I use coupons for everything-groceries, restaurants, oil changes, trips to the mall, and online shopping. I clip coupons from the newspaper, print them out online, and sign up for direct mailing of coupons from individual companies. I save our family a TON of money each month and often get many items FREE, which enables me to give the excess food away to friends or the local food pantry at church. For example, yesterday my bill at Walgreens came out to $98, but after my coupons, I paid $12.98 and received a $4 coupon to use the next time I go to WAGS (my nickname for Walgreens). The Winter Texans behind me in line applauded me when they saw how much the total bill dropped.

Now, I must admit, not everyone is a FAN of Couponing, and you may get dirty looks when you break out your coupons while checking out at a store. I usually warn people ahead of time that I will be using a lot of coupons and the transaction may take longer as a result.

I am not going to go into all the tricks and tips of couponing today, but if you want tips feel free to email me. I would love to teach a Couponing Class one day. I believe that God wants us to use the money that He blesses us with wisely. If we can save money on our daily essentials, then we will have more money to give away to others.

The pictures above are of the cute Coupon Organizer that I made this week to hold all of my coupons. I bought an expandable file at Hobby Lobby for $5.99 with a 40% coupon (I told you I am obsessed :-)). So for about $3.50 I was able to create the cutest coupon holder to carry with me on my shopping trips. I used some stickers that I had already (I think I bought them all at the Dollar Tree). So, now I have an extra reason to smile when using coupons as I have such a FUN way to store them :-).

Using Coupons to save money TOTALLY Works For Me! For more Works For Me Wednesdays, check out

And, if you are new to Butterfly Kisses & Tasty Dishes, then THANKS for stopping by! Check out my recipes, ramblings from my heart, and my 100 muffins in 100 day adventure. May your day be filled to overflowing with God's Love so that you naturally spill it out on others!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it. I can only WISH to save that much. I try to print and clip where I can but I'm not the most organized person in the world. This could help as I KNOW I have at least one or two of those organizers just sitting around.
    I have a question though.
    What coupons do you subscribe to? I get a monthly mailer from Huggies with coupones and I would like to get something similar from other companies I buy products from however I'm not sure how to go about it. Could you email me? Thanks!
