
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Burrell Family Mission Statement

Several months ago, one of the blogs I read suggested developing a Family Mission Statement that describes the goals and values that your family lives by. You post the Mission in your home and strive to live by it in your daily tasks. You can read the original post over at Simple Mom’s website:
The post written by Simple Mom gives you questions that you and your spouse/kids answer to determine what your values are. There are guides and tips on how to create your mission statement.

Darin and I answered these questions and recently developed our own family mission statement. I printed it out on nice cardstock paper, bought a beautiful picture frame from Kirklands for $4.99, and it is now proudly displayed in our kitchen. It is such a good reminder to us daily as a guide for how to respond to one another, how to spend our time, and how to serve each other and those whom God puts in our paths each day.

I have posted a picture of our framed Mission Statement and also included it below. I encourage you to do the same for your family. It really has made a difference in how we treat each other, what we value, and how we spend our days. Be Blessed! You are Dearly Loved!

We, The Burrell Family,
believe that our purpose as a
family is to Love Lavishly
and Give Completely.
We will accomplish this by:
Valuing selflessness and true
joy as our main guiding principles.

Making our home a place of
peace, joy, and encouragement.

Prioritizing integrity above
lesser values.

Interacting with each other in
a spirit of love, kindness,
and encouragement.

Making time for prayer,
devotions, relaxation, and

1 comment:

  1. I love that! We have something similar at our home called the McGlothlin Home Rules. There are only 3 (Obey - with a verse for our kids and for mommy and daddy, Respect - again with 2 verses, and Be Kind - 2 verses for each again). We have it framed as well and LOVE IT!
